Following the „Common European Framework (CEF)“

Upper Advanced Intensive / Technical Purposes
(C2 in the CEF: High Level)

Course targets participants who:
have completed Upper-Level C1 in the CEF; or already have a good command of oral and written comprehension and can hold a conversation without difficulty. That is, you can: express yourself fluently and spontaneously explain and justify opinions precisely and relate them to the contributions of others understand extended speech, even when it is not clearly structured understand most television programs understand complex factual and literary texts as well as specialized articles on unfamiliar topics express yourself in clear, well-structured text and write about complex subjects in different styles

Course Highlights

The focus of this course is communication proficiency in English. Students are encouraged to express sophisticated ideas and opinions through reading, writing, oral, listening and comprehension exercises. Unique strategies for advanced grammar and vocabulary will be offered, but the primary focus is competency of expression. Course content will also be adapted to the individual needs and preferences of participants.


At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Show great flexibility in differing linguistic forms Take part effortlessly in any conversation. You can present clear, smooth-flowing descriptions Easily understand any kind of spoken language Read any form of written language with ease, including technical or literary matter Summarize information from different spoken or written sources; reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation Revise reports or speeches to meet specific audience needs Methods and Design Communication and dialogue are the foundations of this highly interactive course. Activities for the course will include conversation, presentation, text reading/evaluation and advanced writing exercises. Some course sessions may be videotaped and discussed.

Methods and Design Upper Advanced Intensive / Technical Purposes

A wide range of different communicative activities including games and role-playing constitutes the core of the methodological approach. Furthermore, training on the internet will be provided e. g. searching for latest updates in the stock market. Intensive learning course involves 40 teaching hours over a fourday period.
Enrolment is limited to 6 participants.