Following the „Common European Framework (CEF)“

Commercial Communication
(B1 in the CEF: Upper Intermediate)

Introduction and Participant Profile

Suitable for anyone who is fairly proficient but lacks fluency in the English language.
Appropriate for anyone interested in improving their language and business communication skills. Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a certificate from English at Work.

Course Highlights

Professional Socializing: Develop conversation in different cultural settings. Build lasting relationships in spite of personality differences.
Professional Telephoning: Use active listening techniques. Ask the right questions. Deal with problems and complaints. Avoid communication breakdowns. Troubleshoot.
Professional Business Meetings: Set up and facilitate a meeting. Present arguments. Express agreement and disagreement. Link items and ideas. Maintain focus. Handle conflict and different interests. Manage interruptions. Close a meeting.
Professional Presentations: Prepare for different types of presentations. Explain graphs, trends and charts. Stimulate interest and maintain attention. Link different parts of a presentation. Use persuasive techniques, your voice, and your body. Vary your presentation style to meet the needs of the audience.
Professional Negotiations: Understand the process. Express agreement and disagreement. Stage a negotiation. What to say and what to avoid. Deal with different types of negotiations. Manage conflicts and differences
Professional Intercultural Communication: Effective skills for doing business across other cultures.
Professional Business Writing: Write effective e-mails, faxes and letters.


Acquire the language and skills needed for professional telephoning, meetings, presentations, negotiations, socializing and written English.
Improve your business performance and increase your selfconfidence. Effectively deal with your business partners in any type of situation.

Methods and Design Commercial Communication

(C2 in the CEF: High Level) Highly interactive style. Case studies, key exercises and role-plays ensure your involvement. Some sessions may be videotaped and discussed.
The trainer is a qualified professional with extensive experience.
Includes up to 40 hours over a four day period.
Enrolment is limited to eight persons.